Tuesday, November 3, 2009

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood!

It has just been a beautiful day. However, it did start off rough. The kids showed up for me to take them to school. Joey called said he lost his wallet and could I look for it. That only meant that I had no time to get makeup on before going to get my hair done. As well my gas light was on when I got in the truck and that meant getting out and pumping gas with mind you NO makeup on.

I did get my hair cut and colored today and I am grateful for that. I love Jill and she does a great job! I was listening to a song on my way home from Decatur the chorus is :

"People get ready Jesus is comin
Soon well be going home
People get ready Jesus is coming
To take from the world His own"

I have found out that not many want to discuss the coming of Jesus. They are too wrapped up in what THEY want to do in life. What do you think or feel when you hear people mention the soon coming return of Jesus? Do you stop and say NO NOT NOW or does your inner man say YES LORD AND QUICKLY?

I get excited about the coming of the Lord. This ol world is going south if you ask me. Sure there are things in life I want to accomplish and things I want to see like my grandkids growing up but when the rubber meets the road people I am shouting and praying COME LORD JESUS and COME QUICKLY!

Come Lord Jesus - Revelations 22:20

"People get ready Jesus is comin
Soon well be going home
People get ready Jesus is coming
To take from the world His own"

Have a blessed today and remember
Today is a Gift from God
Simply OPEN it!

1 comment:

  1. I must admit that the idea of the tribulation and horrors that will occur after the Rapture don't really excite me! Glad you are back.
