How do you measure success? Home, work, friends, relationships,etc..?
"Then you will have success if you are careful to observe the decrees and laws that the LORD gave Moses for Israel. Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or discouraged". 1 Chronicles 22
As we know and can see all around us we tend the measure success by what we have and don't have. What a shame that is. The answer lies in the scripture above via David to Solomon. Success comes from obeying the Lord and doing what HE would have us do and doing so with courage.
I am so thankful for Joey who decided long ago to live for the Lord and together on this journey we found out that things of this world do not bring lasting happiness. Oh don't get me wrong they are nice to have. But when they over-power or become more important than the laws and words of our Lord it's just wrong and our of order. Do you live your life for HIM or for things and pleasures of this world?
So how do you measure success in your life?
I try not to measure success at all Wanda. I just want God to be pleased with me. I know I have done so much so wrong and will continue too because I'm human BUT I want God to did the best you can and you finished the race and you did well. Here's your prize....I just want to please my " DADDY!"